About Us

Holistic Arogya is a one stop natural healing centre situated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our team, with over ten years of experience in natural and holistic therapies has worked closely with clients to help create a healthy balance in their lifestyles.

Our varied and time-tested healing methods ranging from Colon Hydrotherapy to in-depth detoxification programmes coupled with nutritional consultations have helped our clients to enjoy a stress and disease free life.
At Holistic Arogya, our vision is to care for you naturally and we guarantee you the ultimate in natural health care.

Our Concept

Arogya means 'whole health' in Sanskrit
The well being of the physical, mental and emotional state of an individual

Holistic therapy approaches an individual as a whole being comprising body, mind and spirit wherein modern medicine tends to perceive disease as a series of physical symptoms. At Holistic Arogya we strive to create a harmony and delicate balance between the ancient and modern concepts of healing, thereby creating an effective and wholesome approach to health related issues.

Our focus is to help you achieve this balance between physical, mental and emotional states, thereby enabling you to enjoy optimum health.


A holistic consultation consists of a detailed health history with a focus on current health problems.
Our doctors use their skills as experts in holistic therapies together with other diagnostic modalities like quantum bio-analysis, Iridology, tongue and Acupuncture diagnosis in order to determine the health of a client. 

In cases where it's needed, they will also recommend other modern diagnostic methods and knowledge in nutrition to guide clients to eliminate the root cause of health concerns and to alleviate and correct symptoms using effective combinations of holistic therapies, dietary changes and herbal medicine.


Quantum Magnetic Analyser
This modern diagnostic tool, to a certain extent can replace the need for ultrasonic or radiography scans for various health related conditions.
It is fast, accurate, safe and non-invasive. One's health data is generated within minutes.
The Quantum Magnetic Analyzer can analyse the following:-

  • Basic Physical Quality
  • Blood Sugar
  • Bone Disease
  • Bone Mineral Density
  • Brain Nerve
  • Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular
  • Gall bladder function
  • Gynaecology
  • Toxin levels in the body
  • Kidney function
  • Lung Function
  • Male Sexual Function
  • Pancreatic function
  • Prostrate
  • Rheumatoid Bone Disease
  • Trace Element


By studying the iris, a certified iridologist is able to detect any underlying developing diseases and provide you with a comprehensive report about your overall health, based on the colour, shape and markings of the iris.